My name is Roquelaure, I am an afro-caribbean artist. I work and live in Guadeloupe (originally named Karukera), my native Island in the West-Indies.
After High School, I went to the Art school “Institut Régional d’Art Visuel de la Martinique” where I obtained my National Degree in Arts and Techniques specialized in graphic design. Later on, I went to France and settled down for a few years in Montpellier. There I confirmed my graphic designer expertise and developped my artistic side.
After several years spent in France, I moved to Vancouver in the west coast of Canada where I lived 4 years. Since 2013, I am back to Guadeloupe to pursue my journey.
Roquelaure's artwork arises from the need to express an emotion in relation to an event or a topic. A time of research and then of introspection allows the cosmic link to be set up to receive inspiration. This inspiration which manifests itself through the arrangement of collages and the use of colors between reason and intuition. In his work, Roquelaure experiences the art of color.
Figurative and abstract in the same time, Roquelaure’s artwork is filled with sketches of human beings, spectral shapes, figures, symbols and writtings. Colors and materials are put together in balance, in a way that moves the viewers in a contemplation state where time seems to be on hold.
Roquelaure’s art invites the public to think about social, political and metaphysical issues. He considers his work of public utility, a group therapy towards awareness, by transporting the viewer in a journey into the Spiritual Nature of the Human Being.
Dealing with his afro-caribeean identity, his work also talks about the “long-distance” relationship between “Black People” and their African roots. Ancestral African Spirituality is given an important place. This very same spirituality that allowed enslaved African; like Nat Turner, Boukman, Makandal, Toussaint Louverture, Harriet Tubman, Louis Delgrès; to resist and defeat the slavery system.